Her Fantasy !

Hello Wishful thinkers, I and my friends were planning a gathering since it’s been a while we gathered and had a great conversation. We all gathered at a restaurant and we are a bunch of 5 young ladies. We were truly having a great time talking with each other reminiscing our undergraduate days. One ofContinue reading “Her Fantasy !”

What it’s like dating Earth !!

I once dreamed that Earth, and I was dating. He was so amazing to me and looked extremely incredible. We had a supper by shoreline side eatery and  all of a sudden moon showed up and started squabbling with earth that they dated for over a million years and how you would cheat me. IContinue reading “What it’s like dating Earth !!”

Bear Grylls, Black lizards and nightmare

Last Night, I had a dream where Bear Grylls gifted me a bottle of black lizards with red eyes. Unknowingly, I opened it and was scared but then they unfold themselves all over my body. I was shouting my lungs out and Bear Grylls caught and ate them. Then I woke up. I was scaredContinue reading “Bear Grylls, Black lizards and nightmare”

At rescue

I was on a bus and the person sitting diagonally to my situate had a pistol with him. I ceaselessly looked at him with doubts as to why he was carrying a pistol with him. He abruptly expelled the pistol and pointed to a woman sitting before him. I was scared and shouted uproariously andContinue reading “At rescue”

Side effects of watching horror films

I’m a movie buff. I watched a horror movie last night and fell asleep on the floor. At midnight, I noticed a person walking in the direction of me and that I ought to listen to the anklet sound coming from that individual. I was terrified and tried to shut my eyes tightly, but, IContinue reading “Side effects of watching horror films”

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