Fantasy #2

Hello dreamers, Sorry for the late posts. We were quite busy with our academics. we gonna post regularly from now on. Here’s the new post. check it out and keeping supporting us. I am female (20). I don’t know about rest of them but I’ll tell you about my fantasies.  I want to go onContinue reading “Fantasy #2”

Dream within a dream

I am male(23) and I was in the back of a car, my friends were driving me through some village, and then all of a sudden they parked the car on the side of the street. I sat in the back waiting for them to return, the car suddenly started up and began speeding downContinue reading “Dream within a dream”

[Talking]! Kitchen appliances

I am Female(17), Last night I had a dream where all my kitchen appliances could live on and didn’t allow me to make the meals. They wanted me to take them and dump them in the ocean. I denied it and went to bed. But, then the kitchen appliances produced a loud noise, making myContinue reading “[Talking]! Kitchen appliances”

Her Fantasy !

Hello Wishful thinkers, I and my friends were planning a gathering since it’s been a while we gathered and had a great conversation. We all gathered at a restaurant and we are a bunch of 5 young ladies. We were truly having a great time talking with each other reminiscing our undergraduate days. One ofContinue reading “Her Fantasy !”

What it’s like dating Earth !!

I once dreamed that Earth, and I was dating. He was so amazing to me and looked extremely incredible. We had a supper by shoreline side eatery and  all of a sudden moon showed up and started squabbling with earth that they dated for over a million years and how you would cheat me. IContinue reading “What it’s like dating Earth !!”

Bear Grylls, Black lizards and nightmare

Last Night, I had a dream where Bear Grylls gifted me a bottle of black lizards with red eyes. Unknowingly, I opened it and was scared but then they unfold themselves all over my body. I was shouting my lungs out and Bear Grylls caught and ate them. Then I woke up. I was scaredContinue reading “Bear Grylls, Black lizards and nightmare”

At rescue

I was on a bus and the person sitting diagonally to my situate had a pistol with him. I ceaselessly looked at him with doubts as to why he was carrying a pistol with him. He abruptly expelled the pistol and pointed to a woman sitting before him. I was scared and shouted uproariously andContinue reading “At rescue”

Side effects of watching horror films

I’m a movie buff. I watched a horror movie last night and fell asleep on the floor. At midnight, I noticed a person walking in the direction of me and that I ought to listen to the anklet sound coming from that individual. I was terrified and tried to shut my eyes tightly, but, IContinue reading “Side effects of watching horror films”

Not a joke ?

Once I was carrying a heavy bag on my shoulder to the class. My buddy stopped me and asked, ” Why the bag is heavy?” I replied, “There is a big cat in my bag,” in a funny way. He didn’t consider me, So I attempted to fool him so I opened my bag zipContinue reading “Not a joke ?”

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